Do you know Dog's Temperature?

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Do you know Dog's Temperature?

What is the Normal Temperature of a dog?

The normal body temperature of adult dogs is 99.5~101.3°F, and that of puppies is 101.0 to 102.5°F. The body temperature of dogs is usually high in the evening and low in the morning, with a diurnal difference of about 32.36 to 32.9°F. When the outside heat and the dog feeding movement, excitement can cause the body temperature to temporarily rise seriously. The rectal temperature measurement is subject to some error when the dog has proctitis, frequent dysentery, or anal laxity.

How do you take a dog's temperature?

Temperature measurements in dogs are usually taken rectally. When measuring the temperature, first wipe it with alcohol cotton ball and apply lubricant, then properly keep the dog under examination, then lift the tail slightly, and slowly insert the thermometer into the anus. The back end of the thermometer may be fastened with a small iron clip, which is fastened to the heel or buttocks of the tail to prevent the thermometer from falling off. After 3 to 5 minutes, the dog's temperature can be measured. The dog's body temperature can also be measured using an electronic thermometer, which takes only about 10 seconds to correctly detect the temperature.

What to do when a dog has a fever

1. Keep your dog hydrated as much as possible and keep your dog's body temperature down by urinating.

2. Cool down your dog by rubbing alcohol or cold water under his feet, armpits, or other body parts.

3. If the dog has a high fever, we have to take him to a pet hospital immediately so that a specialist can give the right treatment.

Why does the dog have a high temperature?

1. The infection

There are many types of infections, such as fungal, bacterial and viral infections. Infections can also occur in any part of the body, such as nephritis, pneumonia, hepatitis, and general skin infections, all of which can cause fever in dogs.

2. Vaccination

It is common for dogs to develop a low-grade fever within 24 to 48 hours of vaccination. It's caused by the interaction between the vaccine and the dog's immune system, but if you have a low-grade fever for a long time, You need to take your dog to your local veterinary emergency clinic.

3. Poison

Here mainly refers to the dog eating the wrong food, the consumption of toxic substances for the dog, which can also cause dog fever, so there must be no disorder in feeding the dog and understanding what the dog can and cannot eat.

4. Sleepy

When a dog has a fever, it becomes lethargic, inattentive, and tends to rest in one place, while co-workers show other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, etc. You need to take your dog to your local veterinary emergency clinic.

5. Anorexia

A dog with a fever will have a feeling of discomfort and a suppression of appetite, so the dog will have a poor appetite and will not want to eat.. If your dog goes without food for a meal or two, that's fine, but if he goes without food for an extended period of time, You need to take your dog to your local veterinary emergency clinic.

Causes of hypothermia in dogs

Hypothermia in an animal is a sign that something is seriously wrong with the body and means a red flag may be flashing. They range from traumatic injuries to visceral illnesses. Any sign of hypothermia can be life-threatening. Hypothermia is diagnosed when the body temperature falls below 99°F. However, a temperature of 99.5°F is considered normal for an elderly dog. If the dog is young, hypothermic and does not look right, You need to take your dog to your local veterinary emergency clinic.

An emergency financial measure for hypothermia is to get a plastic bottle filled with hot water at around 40C and place it next to your dog wrapped in a towel or sock. Be careful not to touch your dog with anything that is too hot, otherwise you may burn your dog.