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Behavior -

Different breeds of dogs have different tail sizes and shapes, but the tail movements express the same meaning. The wagging tail will reveal their thoughts and mood. But do you know why dogs always wag their tails? Read this article to find out what the different dog tail signs mean.

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Training -

Pet owners don't panic when take dogs home! This blog will share the training tips for beginners. Hope it will be useful to you. Firstly, before you bring your puppy home, you need to make these preparations.

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Tips -

​Some may be puzzled. Why does my dog shiver?  If you have this confusion, you are welcome to read our post for more details.​

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Healthcare -

Many dog owners may be confused as to whether I should let my dog's hair grow long in winter? Or Should I cut your dog's hair in the winter? Dog grooming is so important in winter.

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Behavior -

In the midst of the constant changes of daily life, dogs often exhibit different personalities and dispositions, and sometimes mood changes, such as anger, sorrow, joy, and the three other common psychological activities of dogs are attachment, nostalgia, curiosity, possession, jealousy, revenge, fear, loneliness, and lying.

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